'this went on for quite some time' from KickingParis on Vimeo.

McGuire reading in St Andrews, at Risk-A-Verse, with Inky Fingers and Stanza, Byre Theatre.
Thanks to Rachel McCrum for taking the footage.
'this went on for quite some time' from KickingParis on Vimeo.
A L Kennedy moved from writing to stand up. Ever considered it? BTW my wife says you have a nice accent.
I wouldn't move away from writing. And A L Kennedy still writes as well as doing the stand up. You hinting I should give up the writing,. Jim?:P
I might well do stand up. I get a good reaction when I read.
Thank your wife for the kind words. Maybe I'll have some audio for her in a year or two.
Be reading you. Keep in touch.
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