My book of poetry and prose and short stories is now available online. 'Riddled with errors' (originally called, Important Nonsense) is a collection of over 69 pieces of untamed poetry, bizzare stories, jaw dropping honesty, and dark science. It's available in the U.K. only and costs £5:o0 post and packaging included. The book is signed and contains a personal note too.
The work contained in here is largely from my formative years; late teens to late twenties. Some from years ago, some from just last year. It's brash, brazen, full of holes that are portals of discovery, full of slap dashery and hyperbolic seriousness. Fit for the young, the old, the dead, and the yet to be born.
Comment and criticism for 'Riddled with errors':
'Feral poetry' - Anon. 'Sincere dross.' - Anon. 'Unusual images fight with intriguing and messy brain matter.' - Jenifer Wills. 'A poet, of and for, the attention deficit disorder.' - Anon. 'Part Glasgow, part psyche map, part rainbow explosion and word finger painting.' - Anon.
Order a copy. Have a read.
Sounds interesting! Do you have a copy of mine already...if not...want to do a swap?
Oh, this is pathetic. I was going to ask the same thing!
He can only tell us to get lost.
Or ignore us and make us look tight and stupid.
Hullo, hullo, took a bit to get back to you, I was bus ythis morning and had to get the same bus 5 times. I'm still in error. ;)
We could do a swap.
Can you email your addresses and I'll do the same.
I can't see an email for you...mine is author@crowd-pleasers.net
Rachel, I think this may be his way of letting us down gently.
No, no, it's sincere. I just thought you would be able to access my email bia this blog or something. Didn't want to put my email on public, am I being too paranoid? ;)
I'll email you soon Rachel.
And titus, eh, my email is col mcguire AT hotmail . com There i've done it in a bizzare way.
Love you, bizarre boy. I think our secret's safe.
Anyone who promotes the good things about Glesga, its people, culture, and the integrity behind its eclectic history is fine by me.
I've been a follower of your work for quite a while.
Jimmy - Glad to hear from you. I'm away to read your blog. I'll keep in touch.
Plenty more of Glasgow and other stuff on the way.
ive not got a book of my own to swap with you, but i have two copies of watership down if your intersted in a trade?!?!?
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