know that the wildest and most moving dramas are played not in the theatre
but in the hearts of ordinary men and women who pass by without exciting
attention, and who betray to the world nothing of the conflicts that rage
within...' - Karl Jung.
Down town at The Psychosexual Sandwich Bar:
'I'll have a large ciabatta,
please, with a hint of melancholy, and a few slices of sexual
repression, over a bed of lettuce, spiced with the shadow of childhood
and for sauce, I'll have a rich sense of perversion.'
'To go...?'
'No, no, the feeling of something not quite right, to remain forever in the pit of my stomach. Just wrap it quickly in a cellophane bag of truth, and I will discard of the contents before analysis, and pretend it never existed. I would like to name this sandwich, if possible.'
Yes Sir, what name would you like to give it?' He passed a golden pen by which to scroll it.
'The Shadow, Sir. I would like to call it.'
'Sorry sir. Everyone has got one of those already. They are regulrarly eaten by them. But, we never go into the details. We only make the sandwiches.'
'How about - Shadows Strech Far Back Into Childhood?'
'Slightly verbose, Sir. Something more succinct perhaps?'
'Irrationality Sandwich?'
'Excellent choice, Sir.'
*Rough and ridiculous idea but been quiet on this blog and it was mad enough to post.